Computer technology is advancing at a rapid rate. This means that a laptop which was top-of-the-line a few years ago is probably already outdated. Replacing your laptop often ensures that you will always have access to the technology you need, but it can also leave you with an obsolete computer that you need to get rid of.
You can't just throw away a laptop when you no longer have use for it.
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If you haven't implemented waste management practices at a business level, you're missing the opportunity to do more for the environment. Your business generates a considerable amount of waste, even if you haven't noticed it yet. In fact, each employee you have contributes to the waste that your company generates on a daily basis. Not to mention all the waste that's generated through normal operations. Here are three steps you can take to implement a waste management system for your business.
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Most residential property owners do prefer to recycle what they can, but if you are like most, you simply don't have time for trips to the recycling center on a weekly basis to drop off the items you collect through the week. For this reason, a lot of recyclables just end up in the garbage and hauled out to the curb with the rest of the trash. Thankfully, many recycling companies have begun to realize this fact and are now working harder than ever to make recycling easy with curbside recycling pickup.
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If you've recently signed closing papers on your first rental home, you're likely equal parts nervous and excited about your new venture. Outfitting a rental home for service can be an exhausting and expensive process, and you'll want to save money wherever possible -- on the other hand, you may be reluctant to try to solicit tenants with outdated or semi-functioning appliances like a refrigerator with a broken icemaker or a stove with only three burners.
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Not every recyclable metal, mineral, or other material follows the same recycling rates. Prices vary all of the time and may not be consistent between materials, sometimes meaning that the price of a full computer unit may not always match the value of what is inside. Keep an eye on the following materials and their locations in computers to know what needs to be scrapped if individual prices are better.
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